Sports Medicine
Orthopedic Specialist
Chris S. Pallia, MD
Board Certification
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2006-2026
Subspeciality Certification in Sports Medicine, 2007-2026
University of California at San Diego, San Diego
Bachelor of Science, Bioengineering 1991
University of California at Los Angeles, Westwood, CA
Doctor Of Medicine 1995
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA General Surgery 1996
State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY Orthopaedic Surgery 2001
Oasis Sports Medical Group, San Diego, CA (San Diego Chargers)
Arthroscopic Surgery and Sports Medicine 2002
Styker MAKO certified (Robotic Partial Knee, Total Knee and Hip Surgery)
Biomet Oxford Unicompartmental Arthroplasty FDA Certification
Genzyme Autologous Cartilage Implantation Technique, MACI
Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Diplomat of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
California Orthopaedic Association
San Diego Orthopaedic Society
Pallia CS. The PC Knot: A Secure and Satisfying Arthroscopic Slip Knot. Arthroscopy: The Journal of
Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 19, 5:558-560, 2003. -
Pallia CS, Scott RE, Chao DJ. Traumatic Hip Dislocations in Athletes. Current Sports Medicine
Reports 6:1, 2002. -
Chao DJ, Pallia CS, David TS, Cawley P, Young S. Femoral Tunnel Placement in Endoscopic ACL Reconstruction: A Comparison of Transtibial Drilling Versus the Medial Portal Technique.
Nominated for the Richard O’Connor Award from AANA. -
Contributed to McKellop et al., In Vivo Wear of 3 Types of Metal on Metal Hip Prostheses During 2
Decades of Use, CORR 329S, pg 128-140, 1996 -
Pallia C, Living Inside, Tomorrow's Dream, The National Library of Poetry, 1995.
Carrier G., Fendell F., Chen K., Pallia C., Evaluating a Simple Model for Laminar Flame Propagation Rate: I. Planar Geometry, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 79, N4-6:206-27, 1991.
Medical-Legal Evaluations
Qualified Medical Evaluator, State of California
Agreed Medical Evaluations
Independent Medical Evaluations
Second Opinions
Expert Opinions and Testimony